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Energy Fundamentals Certificate


The Energy Accountants Society of Canada is pleased to offer the Junior Energy Certificate program to connect new and prospective entrants with the industry. Delivered through a practical yet informative combination of luncheons, courses and seminars, this 20-25-hour commitment aims to impart foundational knowledge and emerging trends to participants, while concurrently exposing them to an industry association and its associated networking opportunities with the society’s members at various career levels.


The Canadian Petroleum industry has seen unprecedented evolution over the past twenty years, both on a technical basis and in terms of its economy and business processes. Additionally, industry employers have observed that with new associates, a knowledge gap exists between classroom studies and the work environment. Thus, this program is relevant for new entrants, students, interns and hopefuls wishing to join industry as it connects them with current events, offers fundamental terminology, a practical understanding of concepts, as well as introduce the organization’s flagship accounting procedure as a means of jumpstarting their career.

In summary, this program is intended to:

    • complement participants’ credentials, as it demonstrates genuine interest in the industry to employers, as well as potentially accelerating associate understanding of concepts
    • offer flexibility for completion, as participants can enroll anytime and choose the path that is most appropriate for their needs. The program be undertaken in as little as a few months, and participants have up to two full years to complete requirements
    • be value-ladenfor its modest cost, participants are offered course materials, catered meals, and opportunities to network with members at all events. Participants also begin a relationship with an association that can grow alongside their careers (volunteering, future courses, etc.)
    • be innovative in its learning opportunities, encompassing different approaches from courses (four hours to two days), to full-day seminars and luncheons (one and a half hours on average).


Participants can register here. Those who wish to enroll and complete the program, must be a EASC student ($20/year) or industry member ($100/year) in good standing. In addition, there is a one-time administration and registration fee for entrants of $100 (this administration fee is waived for a limited time).


To gain a basic understanding of industry concepts, participants are required to take one of two foundation courses: the half-day Oil & Gas Fundamentals, or two-day Introduction to Petroleum Accounting. The first is a “crash course” geared towards all business subject concentrations and positions, and is most helpful for those who have limited industry understanding. The second course is appropriate for those who have an Accounting focus and basic industry knowledge.

All participants are also required to take the EASC 2011 Accounting Procedures half-day course to gain an understanding of the predominant accounting standard for industry agreements. Chances are good that participants will come across this at one point or another in their careers, and the development of the procedure has been a forefront of the association’s imperative.

Finally, candidates can elect to take an additional half-day course, and/or choose to attend a number of luncheons, including the full-day Education Day seminar in September. These events offer insight into emerging industry trends and current events.

There is no set order to complete the requirements, but it is highly recommended that the entry-level courses are taken prior to the 2011 Accounting Procedures for increased comprehension.

Sample Paths

Note: Requirements can be taken in any sequence. Includes a foundation course (4 or 14 hours), Accounting Procedures (4 hours), plus a combination of courses, luncheons and seminars to meet the minimum 20 hours needed.

Program Route 1 Program Route 2

Program Route 2